1. Download profile from this link.
2. The file should automatically download to the Downloads folder inside of the Files app
on your iPhone’s Home Screen Menu.
3. Unzip the NEIT_WiFi_BYOD.mobileconfig.zip file inside of the Downloads folder by
clicking once on the file. The file will unzip and the profile will be placed next to the .zip
file (NEIT_WiFi_BYOD).
4. Click on the NEIT_WiFi_BYOD profile once and it will download it to the Settings app.
5. In the Settings app, click on Profile Downloaded (you have 8 minutes to click this menu
and install the profile or you will have to install the profile again).
6. Click on the Install button on the following prompts:
7. Enter your full NEIT email address for your username and your email password.
8. Your profile is now installed. Click the Done button.
9. Congratulations! You are now connected to the NEIT-Secure WiFi Network.