Connect to one of NEIT’s networks using one of the following methods: 

    • Meltzer Hall – Wired (single device only) – connect directly to the wall jack 
    • Wireless: 
WiFi NameWireless EncryptionWireless AuthenticationSupported DevicesPermitted Roles
NEIT-SecureEnterprise (AES)Email and passwordComputers (Laptops/Desktops) and Mobile Devices (phones/tablets)Students, Employees
NEIT-GuestNoneOpen (None)All permitted device typesStudents, Guests


NOTE:  If you are registering an Apple IOS device (iPad/iPhone) running IOS 13 or higher, please see the troubleshooting section for important device settings in order to register.

Authentication VS Registration

  1. Authentication is the process of proving your identity when connecting to NEIT’s network. NEIT-Secure is the only network which requires a user to authenticate upon connection.
  2. Registration is the process of associating your devices with your user account. Registration is required on all wireless networks and in the Meltzer Residence Hall. Devices must only be registered once.

Choosing a Wireless Network

Faculty/Staff – Faculty/Staff are required to connect their BYOD computers and mobile devices to NEIT-Secure.  Faculty/staff BYOD computers and mobile devices connected to NEIT-Guest will be placed in a dead-end network.

Students – Students may choose between either network depending on which level of wireless encryption and authentication they wish to participate in.

Connecting to a Wireless Network

NEIT-Secure –

NEIT-Guest – Select the wireless network


PLEASE NOTE: Regardless of which network you choose,  NEIT’s Acceptable Use Policy applies.  NEIT maintains system and network logs for troubleshooting and security purposes.



  • If not redirected to the captive portal, open a web browser and navigate to or 
  • Once at the captive portal, click Start next to Register for Network Access or the link below the Register for Network Access heading. 


  • Enter the required information and click Register

  • If the device is a computer, complete the Dissolvable Agent scan:
    • Run the dissolvable agent that was downloaded to your computer 
    • Click Register on the Dissolvable Agent window. 

  • Once the machine passes the scan, click Finish

  • Once the registration is complete, wait while your network access is configured.  This process can take up to 60 seconds. 

  • You will be notified when your device is ready to be used on NEIT network. 

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