2018 TIP OF THE DAY 11

Although cloud-based applications offer many business benefits, they also create a wealth of complex challenges and new risks. Hackers feel at ease in this fast-paced, ever-evolving environment. Often, they fool the attack on a specific target – and strike in a completely different place. To do this, they use seven techniques to cause maximum disruption and maximize their profit. These are malicious bots, web fraud, phishing, malware, DDoS, credential stuffing and ransomware.

  • malicious bot is a malware designed to steal information or infect a host which is often used well before the actual attack. It helps to later distribute the malicious code or is part of an exploit kit. According to Verizon’s latest Data Breach Investigations Report, botnet attacks were used in 77% of web application security breaches. Click here to read 5 top botnets attacks of 2017.
  • Web-based attacks are those that make use of web-enabled systems and services such as browsers and their extensions, websites including CMS and the IT-components of web services and web applications. In this type of fraud, hackers often resort to man-in-the-browser injection and distribute a trickbot via phishing, drive-by-download or SMB ports. Then a Java script is inserted into the e-commerce or banking pages in the user’s browser. This way, attackers gain credentials and can rob bank accounts.
  • Phishing email messages, websites, and phone calls are designed to steal money. Cybercriminals can do this by installingmalicious software on your computer or stealing personal information off of your computer or trick their victims into clicking on a link that infects their system with malware. Alternatively, the link points to a fake website that steals personal information. Last year the total share of spam, only in mail traffic, was 56.63%.
  • In Credential stuffing type of hacking, hackers secure user credentials by breaching a system, and then attempts to use those credentials with other systems by using automated tools. Users who use same passwords for different accounts and use multiple times are likely to have their credentials stolen.
  • DDoS attacks range from a reckless prank to targeted actions for protest or revenge, to theft or blackmail. Ransomware is also a major problem here, encrypting the victim’s data and demanding ransom for decryption. Attackers often use easy-to-access DDoS tools that interfere with service availability and enterprise performance. There are currently four major attack types: TCP Connection AttacksVolumetric AttacksFragmentation AttacksApplication Attacks. The most dangerous DDoS techniques combine volumetric attacks with targeted, application-specific attacks.


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